Advertising in Statewide Classified Networks
allows you to reach a very large audience for
a fraction of the cost of placing the ads individually. Statewide Classified Networks include a combination
of daily and weekly newspapers.
The price listed is for a 25 word classified ad. The ad will run one time in each newspaper. The daily newspapers reserve the right to run the ad any day during the week. Most of the weekly papers publish on either Wednesday or Thursday.
How your ad appears is up to the participating newspapers. Ads sometimes appear grouped under the heading “Statewide Classifieds.” Some papers prefer to run the ads in column using their own headings. These various practices provide a good mix of exposure. Since we cannot control what the member newspapers do, Nationwide Newspapers cannot guarantee heading placement, however we can request one with the initial ad placement.
What are the type of ads that benefit from advertising in a statewide network?
Here is a sample list of ad categories that work well with statewide networks:
* Announcements
* Adoption
* Antique Shows
* Auctions
* Business Opportunity
* Fairs/Festivals
* Farm Equipment
* Franchises
* Help Wanted- Medical, Trade and Truck Driver, etc.
* Rallies, Shows and Concerts
* Real Estate
* Schools- Medical, Driving, Culinary, etc.
* Steel Building
* Tours
* Vacations
* Wanted to Buy
* Wanted to Sell
Individual newspaper lists for each statewide can vary from time to time and are subject to change without notice, as new newspapers are added or changed periodically. Most Statewide Press Associations guarantee at least 90% placement in all papers.
You can place your ad online, through our
secure online shopping cart. If you should
have any questions about deadlines, papers included, or long term advertising, or require personal assistance
with your order, please call Nationwide Newspapers
at (407) 909-1644.
Click on a state below for the list of newspapers for each state.