Advertise in the Hottest Shopper In the Midwest! Place An Ad in the Big Nickel Want Ads Weekly Newspapers Today! Over 500,000 Readership!
Product Description
Advertise in The Big Nickel Want Ads Weekly Newspaper - 4 Corner that includes 4-States in 28 counties in Northeast Oklahoma, Southwest Missouri, Southeast Kansas and Northwest Arkansas. The Big Nickel - 4 Corner is a free pickup publication with a readership of over 100,000 readers that is distribute every Thursdays. The rate is based on a 20 word classified line ad for one week. Additional word cost is $2.00 each per week. Enhance your ad by adding a border around the ad for $6.00 per week. Deadline is every Thursday for the ad to come out the following Thursday. Advertise your ad today!
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