Advertise in Lake Havasu, Arizona Top Weekly Shopper Newspaper! Now Digital Online!
Product Description
The White Sheet is Lake Havasu's largest advertising shopper newspaper in its area. In business for over 55 years, the White Sheet Weekly Newspaper has become the community's go to newspaper who want to buy something used, sell something new or used, look for a service provided by a local merchant, look for coupons for restaurants, local events or announcements or employment or other opportunities.
Newspapers are distributed every Thursday in Lake Havasu, Arizona and its surrounding area. Rate is based on a 20 word classified ad for one insertion. Additional word cost is $1.00 each. A border can be added for only $6.00. It is a great way to have your ad stand out from the other ads. Deadline is every Thursdays at 3pm est for the ad to come out in print the following Thursday.
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